
Free Online Measurement Uncertainty Course Available Now!

As TTBS prepares for the 2019 celebration of World Metrology Day on 20th May with the theme “ The International System of Units Fundamentally Better” ,the Metrology Division at TTBS  would like to share with our Laboratory and Academic Community an online technical programme  on measurement uncertainty commencing  March 26...

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Airports Authority Baggage Scales Pass Verification Tests

It is not unusual for airline passengers checking in at the flight counter to place their over-packed suitcase onto the baggage scale and hope that it is within the permissible limit, thus being spared from overweight baggage fees. However, if passengers are being charged for excess weight, which agency is...

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Historic Vote Ties Kilogram and Other Units to Natural Constants

 Versailles, France—A convocation of delegates representing 60 countries voted today, 16th November 2018 in Versailles to implement the most significant change to the International System of Units (SI) in more than 130 years. For the first time, all measurement units will be defined by natural phenomena rather than by...

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T&T Ambassador to Washington DC congratulates TTBS on its achievement

Mrs Erica Caruth and Ms Saira Knox of the Metrology Division, Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards, attended The Student and Professional Organization of Trinidad and Tobago (The SPOTT) social event held at Ben’s Next Door on Friday 28th September 2018 in Washington DC. Upon learning that TTBS had received...

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TTBS participates in the 2018 SIM Workshop Metrology of Mycotoxins

Saira Knox of the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), Metrology Division, participated in a recent workshop held at the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial (INTI) in Argentina on September 16th – 18th 2018. The aim of the workshop was to update participants on the background knowledge of mycotoxins...

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First “Certificate of Approval of Quality Management System” for CARICOM Signatories to the CIPM-MRA

TTBS, Metrology Division is pleased to announce that its Quality Management System ISO/IEC 17025 supporting mass and related quantities was approved by the Inter-American Metrology Systems (SIM) on September 24th 2018 at the SIM-General Assembly week of activities. This approval recognizes Trinidad and Tobago as the first CARICOM signatory to...

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Metrology SIM Assessment

The Metrology Division at The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) is “On the Road” to have its best “Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC)” for the discipline of mass approved and recognized on the BIPM-Key Comparison Database. The ability to report our best measurement capability on this international measurement...

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TTBS Acts to Ensure Value for Money at Gas Stations on June 5, 2018

June 5, 2018:- Consumers can now ensure they are getting value for money at the nation’s pumps with the commencement of fuel verification exercises by the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) a statutory agency under the purview of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The activity which commenced...

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