Does TTBS handle complaints from the public?
What types of complaints does TTBS handle?
TTBS handles complaints regarding any non- compliance with national standards such as
- improper labelling of products
- quality and safety of products
- non -adherence to standard specifications
What is the difference between TTBS and Consumer Affairs Division (CAD)?
TTBS handles complaints regarding any non- compliance with national standards such as
- improper labelling of products
- quality and safety of products
- non -adherence to standard specifications.
CAD handles complaints in which:
- consumer is not satisfied with the performance of goods purchased
- item bought is defective
- item cannot function for the intended purpose
- description of the item purchased is false or misleading.
Consumer seeks redress such as:
- an exchange for a similar product
- a full refund of the cost of the item,
- repairs to the item
- credit note to the value of the item
- warranty
How does TTBS protect consumer Health and Safety?
The Standards Act No. 18 of 1997 has mandated the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) to develop, promote and enforce standards to ensure that goods imported, produced and sold in Trinidad and Tobago conform to relevant compulsory standards and pose no danger to health, safety and the environment. This mandate does not include the following goods: food, drugs and cosmetics. The Chemistry,Food and Drugs Division, Ministry of Health is responsible for these goods.
What should I look for when purchasing a product?
It is important to read your labels. Labels provide valuable information to help consumers assess the quality of products as well as the products’ health, safety and environmental impacts.