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General Metrology Workshop

Dear Valued Stakeholder, Please see the following E-Flyer with details on the upcoming General Metrology Workshop. Kindly register using this link: https://forms.gle/MU1MR3wMqstbcWmf8.

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Micropipette Calibration Service

Dear Valued Customer, The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) is pleased to announce the launch of our new service, the Calibration of Micropipettes. We recognise the need and importance of the calibration of micropipettes to support the testing capability of your organisation. Kindly see the flyer below for...

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Virtual Awareness Session on the Uncertainty of Measurement

Dear Valued Stakeholder, You are cordially invited to attend the Virtual Awareness Session on the Uncertainty of Measurement. To register for the session, please click on the following link: https://iso.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0scu2hrjguG9Ug2p8-D0ttne2gTfWaXb5g

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TTBS Launches New Tobago Sub-Office

          2024-03-06 – Today, Tobagonians witnessed a historic moment as the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) unveiled its new Tobago Sub-Office, located at the D Colosseum Building II, corner of Airport Bypass and Milford Road, Crown Point, Tobago. This strategic initiative, launched on Wednesday,...

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TTBS Provides Clarity On Market Scales Verification Fees

Date:15th May, 2023 The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards remains committed to ensuring the accuracy of all measuring devices used in trade. As part of TTBS’ mandate under the Metrology Act Chapter 82:06, our Legal Metrology Inspectorate (LMI) conducts regular verifications of measuring devices (market scales) at all Municipal...

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World Metrology Day 2023

Dear Valued Stakeholder, You are invited to participate in the World Metrology Day 2023 Webinar: Measurements Supporting the Food Global System. To register for the event, please click on the link below: https://iso.zoom.us/j/92097004272?pwd=TnpkWWZXN1M1SmNTeitkcjZucExhZz09

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