Author Archives: admin

Closure of Office: Carnival Monday and Tuesday

The public is hereby notified that the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards will be closed for business on the following days: Monday 4th March, 2019 Tuesday 5th March, 2019 We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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Stakeholder Meeting: Hollow Clay Blocks

All interested parties including Manufactures, Retailers and Users of Hollow Clay Blocks, are invited to attend a National Stakeholder Meeting on the implementation of an enforcement programme for the National Compulsory Standard TTS 588:2015.

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Tobago’s Tourist Taxi Drivers/Operators Seek To Improve Visitor Experience

In an attempt to improve the visitor experience to the unspoiled island of Tobago, The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), in collaboration with the Tobago Tourism Agency Limited (TTAL), held a Stakeholder Sensitization Session for Tourist Taxi Drivers/Operators, to discuss their role in relation to the reimplementation of...

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TTBS Conducts Fuel Verification Exercise at NP Service Stations

On Wednesday 13th February, 2019 Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), launched the Fuel Verification Exercise, at the Trinidad and Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NP) Service Station, located at Munroe Road, Charlieville. This verification launch came subsequent to a similar exercise conducted at UNIPET Service Station at...

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Free Online Measurement Uncertainty Course Available Now!

As TTBS prepares for the 2019 celebration of World Metrology Day on 20th May with the theme “ The International System of Units Fundamentally Better” ,the Metrology Division at TTBS  would like to share with our Laboratory and Academic Community an online technical programme  on measurement uncertainty commencing  March 26...

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Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Eighth Triennial Review

The TBT Committee is mandated to review the operation and implementation of the TBT Agreement on a triennial basis. The Eighth Triennial Review was adopted at the TBT Committee meeting of 15th November 2018. WTO members agreed on almost thirty recommendations that will improve the way members deal with standards,...

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ePing – online service for updates on product requirements in foreign markets

The world’s trading nations establish product requirements to protect human health and the environment. This can prevent some companies, big or small, from selling their products. WTO members are required to notify each other before adopting any new measures on product requirements likely to affect international trade and provide a...

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TTBS AND TTAL Host Stakeholder Consultation on TTTIC Certification

When it comes to choosing a Caribbean holiday destination, the unspoiled island of Tobago, will certainly stand out as a strong contender amongst discerning tourists.  However, one critical element of a traveler’s plan will be choosing an appropriate tourism operator which meets quality service standards. In the Caribbean region, Trinidad...

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