National Standardization Strategy (NSS)

What is the NSS?

The NSS outlines the goals and objectives of the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) as it pertains to standards development, for the period 2019 to 2022. This standards framework is key to facilitating global trade and economic diversification.

The use of the NSS ensures that the standards development process is more market-driven, flexible and responsive to stakeholder needs.

The NSS seeks to represent broad societal consensus by capturing the interests of government, stakeholders in the economic and social sectors, private and public institutions and ordinary citizens, resulting in the development of timely and effective standards which meet national needs.

Main purposes of the NSS

  • A consistent, proactive approach for the establishment of national standards
  • Stakeholder interests are adequately reflected facilitating the fulfilment of the strategic goals and regulatory mandates of various national entities
  • Optimal utilization of limited national resources for the development of national standards

Key strategic objectives of the NSS

  • Ensure a robust and responsive NSS
  • Create a standards conscious society
  • Utilize ICT tools to modernize the standards development process and improve access to standards

NSS Brochure Download

Contact information
Please contact the Standardization Division for further information on the NSS.
Phone: 662-8827 Ext 2042