TTCS 11:2021, Energy Labelling – Compact Fluorescent Lamps and Light Emitting Diode Lamps – Compulsory Requirements


This standard outlines the compulsory requirements for these products as well as the mechanisms to demonstrate compliance to these requirements. This document also includes measures to be taken in the event of non-compliance.

This standard does not apply to semi-integrated (LEDsi) and non-integrated (LEDni) light-emitting diode lamps.

The nominal supply voltages declared by the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) in their publication entitled “Wiring for Light and Power” are 115 volts, with a relative tolerance of ± 6 % and 230 volts, with a relative tolerance of ± 6 %. The Electricity Supply Rules made under Section 15 of the Electricity (Inspection) Act Chapter 54:72 provides for variations of six percent above or below the declared voltages.

Status: Current | Published: 2021

SKU: TTCS 11:2021 Category:


This standard specifies the relevant test methods, general labelling requirements, energy labelling requirements and safety and performance requirements for the following:

a) Self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) of voltages > 50 V;

b) Integrated light-emitting diode lamps (LEDi) for stable operations, intended for domestic and similar general lighting purposes, having a:

  1. rated power ≤60 W;
  2. rated voltage of > 50 V a.c ≤ 250 V a.c.

This standard outlines the compulsory requirements for these products as well as the mechanisms to demonstrate compliance to these requirements. This document also includes measures to be taken in the event of non-compliance.

This standard does not apply to semi-integrated (LEDsi) and non-integrated (LEDni) light-emitting diode lamps.

The nominal supply voltages declared by the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) in their publication entitled “Wiring for Light and Power” are 115 volts, with a relative tolerance of ± 6 % and 230 volts, with a relative tolerance of ± 6 %. The Electricity Supply Rules made under Section 15 of the Electricity (Inspection) Act Chapter 54:72 provides for variations of six percent above or below the declared voltages.