
WTO: Members’ Development Status (Part III): Implications for CARICOM Members

When the World Trade Organization (WTO) resumes work shortly, the Members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), like others, will need to be prepared to address the issues on WTO reform which include proposals on special and differential treatment (S&DT) and differentiation/graduation. In addition, preparations will commence for the 12th WTO...

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Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Eighth Triennial Review

The TBT Committee is mandated to review the operation and implementation of the TBT Agreement on a triennial basis. The Eighth Triennial Review was adopted at the TBT Committee meeting of 15th November 2018. WTO members agreed on almost thirty recommendations that will improve the way members deal with standards,...

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ePing – online service for updates on product requirements in foreign markets

The world’s trading nations establish product requirements to protect human health and the environment. This can prevent some companies, big or small, from selling their products. WTO members are required to notify each other before adopting any new measures on product requirements likely to affect international trade and provide a...

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