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TTBS AND TTAL Host Stakeholder Consultation on TTTIC Certification

When it comes to choosing a Caribbean holiday destination, the unspoiled island of Tobago, will certainly stand out as a strong contender amongst discerning tourists.  However, one critical element of a traveler’s plan will be choosing an appropriate tourism operator which meets quality service standards. In the Caribbean region, Trinidad...

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Boosting Tobago’s Tourism Through Certification

On 26th November 2018, The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) and the Tobago Tourism Agency Limited (TTAL) signed a one year Service Level Agreement (SLA), at Central Administrative Services in Scarborough, Tobago, to relaunch the Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Industry Certification (TTTIC) programme on the sister isle of...

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Product Certification can Boost Your Business

Rodney Ramnath, Head of the Certification Division of the (TTBS) realizes that in order to be globally competitive, penetrate new markets and to maximize existing trade agreements products have to conform to standards.

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TTBS Unpainted Roofing Sheet Certification

‘Quality and the implementation of a National Quality System is not only a consideration but a necessity as it is a crucial component of all systems of a modern society’ were the words of Dr. Puran Bridgemohan, Chairman, Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standard (TTBS) at the National Consultation on...

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Roofing Manufacturers Attain TTBS Certification

When it comes to export, Trinidad and Tobago has to ensure it manufactures first-class products, because we are competing with the world and there is no room for inferior products. Additionally, the Government will continue to work with all manufactures to help expand your business and export capacity which will...

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The New ISO 14001 Standard

The standard which sets requirements for an environmental management system was revised and published on 2015-09-15.  This is one of the world’s most popular standards for environmental management with more than 300 000 certificates issued globally. The revision was completed by 121 experts from 88 countries who were assigned to...

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