Opening the Gates to Safety: The Importance of TTS 641:2017 Driveway gates – Specification

Picture this: after a long day’s work, your driveway gate gently slides open, welcoming you home. It’s a familiar and comforting sight, often taken for granted. However, the significance of driveway gates cannot be overstated. These silent sentinels secure our homes, protecting our families, belongings, and peace of mind. But when considering driveway gate installation, aesthetics should not be the sole driver...

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World Standards Day 2023 Paving the Way to a Healthier, Sustainable World

The alarm clock blares. Your eyes open. You take a deep breath. You drag your feet until you feel your bedroom slippers. Flipping the light switch on, you open the door and make your way to the kitchen. At the table, you have breakfast. You hop into your car and make your way to work. As you drive, a warm feeling washes...

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Stakeholder Consultation: General Household and Automotive Cleaning Chemicals

NOTICE : Local Manufacturers, Bottlers and Re-packagers of General household and Automotive Cleaning Chemicals You are invited to attend a Stakeholder Consultation on General Household and Automotive Cleaning Chemicals Date : Wednesday 27th September, 2023 Time : 10am- 12pm Link: Registration closes on Tuesday 26th September, 2023 @1:00pm

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Virtual Stakeholder Consultation: TTCS 29:20XX, Toilet Tissue – Compulsory Requirements

The Standardization Division is hosting a virtual Stakeholder Consultation on the draft compulsory standard for toilet tissue as follows TTCS 29:20XX, Toilet tissue – Compulsory requirements Date: Wednesday  18th October, 2023 Time: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm TTCS 29: 20XX Stakeholder Consultation on Toilet Tissue registration link: View draft compulsory standard TTCS 29:20XX and Comment form via the link:

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