Workshop on Hazardous Waste Management

The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) is hosting a workshop on Hazardous Waste Management on the 17th – 19th September, 2019 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at our office located at 1-2 Century Drive, Trincity Industrial Estate, Macoya. Hazardous waste, is waste that is dangerous or capable of having a harmful effect on human health or the environment. This...

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TTBS Collaborates With ISO To Build Technical Capacity

2019-08-15 “In today’s global economy, millions of products and services are traded across borders and there are valid concerns surrounding their functionality, reliability, and safety and impact on consumer health and the environment. In order to demonstrate compliance with a country’s regulations, products and services must be tested, inspected and certified to show conformance to international quality, safety and environmental requirements. As...

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TTBS to Enforce Revised Compulsory Standard for Liquid Chlorine Bleach

“Where products and services pose a substantive risk to the consumer or public, Standards can be declared Compulsory, as is the case with the Standard for Liquid Chlorine Bleach being discussed today”.    Its use in eliminating dangerous micro-organisms and its hazardous nature demonstrates direct links to welfare, health and safety. It also demonstrates the need for standardization and enforcement of product...

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Proposed Standards for Withdrawal

PROPOSED STANDARDS FOR WITHDRAWAL In accordance with the Standards Act, No. 18 of 1997, the following Trinidad and Tobago standards are being issued for withdrawal. These standards are VOLUNTARY and are being withdrawn because they are obsolete. Copies of these standards are available from the Bureau’s Information Centre for consultation by interested persons. Parties that may be affected by the proposed withdrawals...

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For Public Comment: Draft Voluntary National Standards for Cloud Computing

We invite you to share your views on the proposed Draft Voluntary National Standards for Cloud Computing which are being issued for Public Comment. Closing date for comments: Friday 23rd August 2019. PCTTS/ISO/IEC 17788:20XX, Information Technology – Cloud Computing – Overview and Vocabulary Scope: This Recommendation | International Standard provides an overview of cloud computing along with a set of terms and...

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