For Public Comment: Draft National Compulsory Standard – Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete

The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards has issued the draft National Compulsory Standard for Steel for the reinforcement of concrete for comment. Members of the public are invited to review and provide feedback on the draft document  – Steel for the reinforcement of concrete – Compulsory requirements, (PCTTCS 8:20XX). Read-only access is provided to the draft standard, please submit any comments using...

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CNG Master Meter Training

2020-07-13 STRENGTHENING CNG MEASUREMENT CAPACITY AT TTBS In fulfilling the regulatory requirements of the Metrology Act Chapter 82:06, to ensure fair trade through the verification process, the Legal Metrology Inspectorate (LMI) a unit of TTBS, hosted a two day Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Master Meter training workshop on the 9th  and 10th July, 2020.  The workshop was facilitated by Mr Ian Patterson...

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Message from Senator the Honourable PAULA GOPEE-SCOON – Minister of Trade and Industry In celebration of the 46th ANNIVERSARY of the TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO BUREAU OF STANDARDS

The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) has sought to consistently serve the needs of the nation in accordance with its mandate for over four decades. As the TTBS celebrates its 46th Anniversary, I join with the TTBS in affirming its unyielding commitment to safeguarding public health and safety and protecting the environment by developing, promoting and enforcing standards, to improve...

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For Public Comment: Energy labelling – Compact fluorescent lamps and Light Emitting Diode Lamps – Compulsory Requirements

We invite you to share your views on the draft standard: PCTTCS 11:20XX, Energy labelling – Compact fluorescent lamps and Light Emitting Diode Lamps – Compulsory Requirements. Click here to read draft standard Click here to submit comments on the draft standard Closing Date for Comments: Extended until 9th October 2020.

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