Invitation to Tender – ITT # TTBS 2022 ADMIN 21 – Consultancy Services

INVITATION TO TENDER   The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) invites suitably qualified firms to submit Proposals for the following: No. ITT Title and Reference # ITT Issue Date Pre-Bid Meeting Date & Time Submission Deadline Date & Time 1. Consultancy Services to Develop Policies and Procedures for the Implementation of ISO 30301 as part of TTBS’ framework for a...

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Revised Laboratory Reference to TTLABS Accredited Status – TTLABS Advertising Policy

TTLABS would like to inform all TTLABS applicant and accredited laboratories that the policy LAS-Q003 Laboratory Reference to TTLABS Accredited Status — TTLABS Advertising Policy has been revised. The revised policy will be put into effect on 3rd October 2022 and laboratories will therefore be expected to meet the requirements as stated in the policy. To attain and maintain accreditation, the laboratory...

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Virtual Stakeholder Consultation: Voluntary Standard For Wastewater Reuse

The Standardization Division is hosting a virtual Stakeholder Consultation on the draft voluntary standard for wastewater reuse: TTS 664:20XX, Wastewater reuse – Agricultural and other applications – Requirements Date: Thursday 21st July, 2022. Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm TTS 664: 20XX Stakeholder Consultation registration View draft voluntary standard and Comment form

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A Call For Design – National Quality Awards Logo

The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality (CROSQ), Ministry of Trade and Industry(MTI) and the National Quality Council(NQC) are seeking to develop a National Quality Awards Programme (NQA) for Trinidad and Tobago. You are invited to participate in a competition to select a logo design that will be used for the National Quality Awards...

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