CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Achievements under the QI4CE Project

In October 2021, the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) signed onto a two-year project titled “Quality Infrastructure for Circular Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean (QI4CE)”. German development cooperation supported this project which was jointly implemented by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt and the Organization of American States.

The project leveraged the technical competencies, in metrology, standardization, accreditation, and conformity assessment for the Circular Economy, of the organizations comprising the Quality Infrastructure of the Americas, that is, the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT), Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) and Inter-American Metrology System (SIM), as project partners.

The objectives of the project were to:

  • Strengthen the quality infrastructure (QI) for the circular economy (CE) in the LAC, through development of new QI competences and services that address the needs of users; and
  • Enable and enhance collaboration between quality infrastructure and circular economy.

Collaboration between QI and CE was facilitated by the application of the Capacity Building in Technical and Scientific Organizations using Regional Experience and Knowledge (CABUREK) methodology, the intent of which was to systematize the exchange of experiences, best practices and lessons learnt from the regional QI and regional/international CE organizations.

The poster below outlines the achievements of the TTBS under the project at the end of the project in October 2023.