TTBS hosted the first physical meeting of the National Mirror Committee (NMC) for Innovation Management.

The mandate of this National Mirror Committee is “to assist and advise the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards in the formulation and review of International Standards in the area of Innovation Management and to advise on any new emerging issues and initiatives related to Innovation Management.”


The team of experts are currently in the process of reviewing the following international standards:

  • ISO 56000, Innovation management — Fundamentals and vocabulary
  • ISO 56002, Innovation management — Innovation management system — Requirements


The organizations represented on the National Technical Committee include:

  1. Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI)
  2. Ministry of Planning and Development
  3. Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA)
  4. Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Services Industries (TTCSI)
  5. Innovation Association of Trinidad and Tobago
  6. The European Business Chamber in Trinidad and Tobago (EUROCHAMTT)
  7. UWI – Faculty of Social Sciences
  8. UWI – Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
  9. The National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST)
  10. MIC Institute of Technology
  11. Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce (TTCIC)
  12. National Flour Mills Limited
  13. University of The Southern Caribbean
  14. St. Augustine Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (STACIE)
  15. Trinigaigin – Management Consultancy
  16. ExporTT