DRAFT TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO COMPULSORY STANDARD FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – PCTTCS 28:20XX, Paints – water-borne and solvent-borne coatings – Compulsory requirements

The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards has issued the following draft compulsory standard for Public Comment.

  • PCTTCS 28:20XX, Paints – water-borne and solvent-borne coatings – Compulsory requirements

Members of the public are invited to review and provide feedback on the draft document.

You may also use the comment form in MS Word (see link below) to submit comments via email: beverly.monroe@ttbs.org.tt.
MS Word Comment(s) Form https://tinyurl.com/comment-on-paints

DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS: 12th November 2023
For further information, please contact Ms Beverly Monroe at beverly.monroe@ttbs.org.tt or 662-8827 ext. 2043.