TTBS is in the process of revising TTS 171: Part 2: 2002, Trinidad and Tobago Electrical Wiring Code – Part 2 – High voltage installations. The current version was published in 2002 and there have since been significant improvements in technology and practices.
Therefore, we would like to hear from the electrical fraternity, about any issues which should be addressed in the revision of TTS 171:Part 2:2002.
Scope of TTS 171:Part 2:2002
This standard specifies requirements for the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of electrical wiring at voltages in excess of 1000 Volts.
Who is responsible?
The National Technical Committee (NTC) – Electrical Codes was responsible for the revision of the Low Voltage Wiring Code and is also responsible for the revision of the High Voltage Wiring Code.
The Technical Secretary of the NTC is Ms Kimberly Badloo, Standards Officer, TTBS.
A Working Group under this parent committee was also established, comprising a number of experts in the area of High Voltage testing.
Your comments matter!
Send us any comments to help us revise and update the TTS 171: Part 2: 2002, Trinidad and Tobago Electrical Wiring Code – Part 2 – High voltage installations, to ensure that we maintain a high level of electrical safety in Trinidad and Tobago.
Click here to view the High Voltage Wiring Code.
Click here to submit feedback.
Deadline for Comments:
The deadline for comments is 26th April 2021.