Tel: (868) 662-8827 Ext 2033 | Fax: (868) 663-4335
Established in 1975 the Standards Information Centre (SIC) houses a complete collection of National Standards, ISO Standards, and other Regional and International collections in both print and electronic formats.

To encourage greater use of standards and related services, the Standards Information Centre provides a range of services beneficial to public and private sector organizations as well as individuals. These services include:
- National Standards Database
- Sale of Standards
- Membership Programme
- Standards Updating
- Reference Facility
The SIC maintains a database of all Trinidad and Tobago Standards. The database contains bibliographic information on over eight hundred voluntary and compulsory local standards. These standards have either been developed by TTBS and/or adopted. The content of these standards includes advertising, electrical engineering, environment, quality, packaging, labelling, textiles, footwear, garments, tourism, civil engineering, construction, occupational health and safety and vehicles.
How to obtain standards
Local and international standards are available for purchase at the Standards Information Centre. The Centre’s opening hours are Monday-Thursday 8am-4:15pm and Friday 8am-4pm. Please note however, that the cashier’s opening hours are Monday-Friday 8am-3pm.
Contact – Tel: (868) 662-8827 Ext 2033 | Fax: (868) 663-4335 |
TTPAS 1:2021, Non-Medical Face Masks – Specification
This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) outlines minimum requirements for performance, labelling, construction and testing of non-medical face masks. These non-medical face masks are intended to reduce the risk of general transmission of infectious agents but do not fall under the ambit of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Click Here for more information on this standard.
TTCS 8:2021, Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete – Compulsory Requirements
This standard applies to plain and deformed steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.
Click Here for more information on this standard.
TTCS 11:2021, Energy Labelling – Compact Fluorescent Lamps and Light Emitting Diode Lamps – Compulsory Requirements
This standard specifies the relevant test methods, general labelling requirements, energy labelling requirements and safety and performance requirements.
Click Here for more information on this standard.
Sale of Standards
The Sale of Standards involves sourcing and providing National, Regional and International Standards to private and public organizations as well as individuals upon request for a nominal fee.
Under Review, please contact us at for further information
Standards Updating
The Standards Updating Service provides members with up-to-date information to keep their existing standards and related documents current. This service is provided to non-members upon request.
Reference Facility
Private and public sector organizations as well as individuals are allowed access to the Centre’s vast information resources to conduct research on standards and quality and issues.
WTO/TBT Enquiry Point
The World Trade Organization (WTO) / Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Enquiry Point supplies WTO and foreign countries with information on compulsory local standards, conformity assessment procedures and technical regulations related to products under the scope of the TBT Agreement. It also informs local industry and trade of similar developments in other countries.