TTCS 1:2018, Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Liquid Chlorine Bleach) – Compulsory Requirements


This standard applies to sodium hypochlorite solution (liquid chlorine bleach) and outlines the compulsory requirements for this product as well as the mechanisms to demonstrate compliance to these requirements. It also includes measures to be taken in the event of non-compliance.

Status: Current | Published: 2018 | Replaces: TTS 58:2010

SKU: TTCS 1:2018 Category:


This standard applies to sodium hypochlorite solution (liquid chlorine bleach) and outlines the compulsory requirements for this product as well as the mechanisms to demonstrate compliance to these requirements. It also includes measures to be taken in the event of non-compliance.

Status: Current | Published: 2018 | Replaces: TTS 58:2010