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TTBS Engages Stakeholders in Crucial Talks on Lighting Standard

            2024-04-18 – A significant step towards enhancing energy efficiency and consumer protection in Trinidad and Tobago’s lighting sector was undertaken as the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) convened a pivotal National Stakeholder Consultation to address the compulsory standard addressing Energy Labelling of Compact Fluorescent Lamps and Light Emitting Diode Lamps (CFLs and LEDs). The...

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Biden Administration Finalizes Lightbulb Efficiency Rules

The Biden administration on Friday finalized lightbulb efficiency rules first proposed in late 2022. The final rule will more than double the required efficiency level for the most common lightbulbs, from 45 lumens (the unit of measurement for light intensity) per watt to more than 120 lumens per watt The rule won praise from energy efficiency lobbying groups, with the American Council...

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