Recommended International Specifications for Cloth Face Masks

Wearing a face mask to slow the spread of COVID-19 will only be effective if it’s worn correctly. TTBS notes there are many questions and concerns regarding cloth face masks and takes this opportunity to provide the public with the recommended face mask guidelines such as preferable types of fabrics, number of layers and the composition etc. These specifications were extracted from...

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TTBS Electronic Payment Services – Update #5

TTBS and its subsidiary Premier Quality Services Limited (PQSL), will continue to maintain its risk mitigation strategy of non-acceptance of payments at its offices until further notice despite resumption of operations.

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Protect your Home and Family Against Harmful Germs and Bacteria by Using the Right Bleach!

Protect your home and family against harmful germs and bacteria by using the right bleach that conforms to the National Compulsory Standard. TTBS, continues to fulfill its mandate by safeguarding public safety, health and the environment by ensuring that Liquid Chlorine Bleach is in compliance with the National Compulsory Standard – TTCS 1:2018, Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Liquid Chlorine Bleach) – Compulsory Requirements.

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