Author Archives: admin
TTBS Engages Stakeholders in Crucial Talks on Lighting Standard
2024-04-18 – A significant step towards enhancing energy efficiency and consumer protection in Trinidad and Tobago’s lighting sector was undertaken as the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) convened a pivotal National Stakeholder Consultation to address the compulsory standard addressing Energy Labelling of...
Biden Administration Finalizes Lightbulb Efficiency Rules
The Biden administration on Friday finalized lightbulb efficiency rules first proposed in late 2022. The final rule will more than double the required efficiency level for the most common lightbulbs, from 45 lumens (the unit of measurement for light intensity) per watt to more than 120 lumens per watt The...
TTBS@50: Building a Quality Nation, One Standard at a Time
Established in 1974, the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) set out with a vision to become the leading provider of national quality solutions, fostering a standards-conscious society and a globally competitive nation. Governed by the Standards Act No. 18 of 1997, TTBS has played a pivotal role...
Stakeholder Consultation: Compact Fluorescent Lamps & Light Emitting Diode Lamps
The Implementation Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), invites you to attend a Stakeholder Consultation on the National Compulsory Standard, TTCS 11:2021 – Energy Labelling – Compact Fluorescent Lamps and Light Emitting Diode Lamps – Compulsory Requirements. CLICK HERE FOR EVENT REGISTRATION FORM Event Address: 1-2...
Attention: TTBS Management Systems Certified Clients
ADDITION OF CLIMATE CHANGE REQUIREMENTS TO ISO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STANDARDS On February 23, 2024 the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the Climate Action Amendments to the ISO Management Systems Standards (MSS). These changes were made to support the ISO London Declaration, which commits...
Draft Trinidad & Tobago Compulsory Standard For Public Comment – PCTTCS 33:20XX, Pepper spray – Compulsory requirements
The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards has issued the following draft compulsory standard for Public Comment. PCTTCS 33:20XX, Pepper spray – Compulsory requirements Members of the public are invited to review and provide feedback on the draft document. PCTTCS 33:20XX, Pepper spray – Compulsory requirements (Read-only access) Google form for...
Online Training On ISO15189:2022 Medical Laboratories – Requirements For Quality & Competence
This training programme is intended to assist laboratories, that either have established or is currently establishing the International Standard ISO 15189:2022 – Medical laboratories – Requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories in its organization, to understand the changes in this version of the Standard. Click here to...
Notice of Moratorium End: TTCS 10:2021 – Garments and Textiles – Compulsory Requirements
Please be advised that the moratorium period for TTCS 10:2021 – Garments and Textiles – Compulsory Requirements ends on 31st May 2024. Full enforcement begins on 3rd June 2024.