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Virtual Stakeholder Forum on the Draft National Compulsory Standard for Steel bars for Reinforcement of Concrete – Compulsory Requirements


  • To highlight the key technical requirements of this proposed Compulsory Standard
  • To obtain feedback to assist in the finalization of the standard

Date: Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Time: 10 am to 12 noon

Presentations from our Virtual Stakeholder Forum on the Draft National Compulsory Standard for Steel bars for Reinforcement of Concrete – Compulsory Requirements held on Wednesday 2nd December, 2020.

For further information please contact:

Darryl Thomson Nicola Nanton-Creese
Email: E-mail:
Phone: (868) 662-8827 Ext 2051/2042 Phone: (868) 662-8827 Ext 2042

Click here to read draft standard
Click here to submit comments on the draft standard
Closing Date for Comments: Friday 11th December 2020.