CNG Master Meter Training



In fulfilling the regulatory requirements of the Metrology Act Chapter 82:06, to ensure fair trade through the verification process, the Legal Metrology Inspectorate (LMI) a unit of TTBS, hosted a two day Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Master Meter training workshop on the 9th  and 10th July, 2020

The workshop was facilitated by Mr Ian Patterson of NGV Technology Inc., the company from which TTBS procured the Master Meter.  The sessions covered topics including, the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML) technical requirements, performance tests, compliance, calibration and verification of CNG dispensers.  Mass flow measurement technology and operational aspects of master meters were covered.

The workshop brought together key industry stakeholders involved in the oil and gas sectors including, the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI), The NGC CNG Company Limited –  a subsidiary of The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, The National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NPMC) and The United Independent Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (UNIPET).

The LMI is responsible for ensuring that CNG dispensers are in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Act.  The work being undertaken by the LMI in this context, ensures that the fuel dispensed from each nozzle is within the acceptable tolerance, so customers will receive accurate quantities.

The LMI will engage all the fuel entities that has CNG dispensers at their respective service stations namely NGC CNG, NPMC and UNIPET.   It is projected that the verification of CNG dispensers will commence in July 2020 and will continue on a six month rotational cycle.

Underscoring the importance of Metrology, the science of measurement, as it relates to supporting Trinidad and Tobago’s economic outlook, Mrs Erica Caruth, Manager, Metrology Division, TTBS stated… “Metrology is one of the pillars that support the National Quality Infrastructure of our country and the implementation of the Metrology Act provides the platform for building a modern national measurement system in Trinidad and Tobago, which is consistent with international standards.   Moreover, a national measurement system assures accurate measurements and would allow for greater trust and confidence in the measurements performed.”

For further information on verification activities contact (868) 662-8827 Ext. 2348 or Email: