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TTS 412:2015, Steelpan – Terminology

Scope of standard

This Standard defines common terms that are unique to the steelpan industry. It includes terms related to:

  1. instruments;
  2. manufacturing;
  3. personnel and performance; and
  4. accessories and facilities.

NOTE 1: This terminology standard is categorized into four sub-clauses which groups the similar terms into each area and are not alphabetized. An alphabetical list of terms is provided in Annex C.

NOTE 2: This standard is not intended to impose unnecessary restrictions on design, construction and testing of steelpan instruments, on the use of other materials, or on the development of other methods of manufacture.

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This read-only digital version of TTS 412:2015, Steelpan – Terminology is intended for those who wish to preview the document before purchase or who occasionally need to reference the standard.

TTS 412:2015, Steelpan – Terminology is available for purchase at our Standards Information Centre. The Centre’s opening hours are Monday-Thursday 8am – 4:15pm and Friday 8am – 4pm.

Contact – Tel: (868) 662-8827 Ext 2033 | Fax: (868) 663-4335 |