On Wednesday 13th February, 2019 Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), launched the Fuel Verification Exercise, at the Trinidad and Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NP) Service Station, located at Munroe Road, Charlieville. This verification launch came subsequent to a similar exercise conducted at UNIPET Service Station at Brentwood in June, 2018.
The Metrology Act Chapter 82:06 is now in its fourth year of proclamation. The Act mandates the Legal Metrology Inspectorate (LMI), a unit of TTBS, to monitor and verify prescribed measuring devices used in trade, including fuel dispensers at all Service Stations nationwide.
The aim of this exercise is to ensure that the fuel dispensed at the pump is within the acceptable tolerance levels, as stipulated in the Act. The primary objective of fuel verification seeks not only to protect consumers, but also engenders trust and confidence amongst the motoring public, whilst providing assurances that the quantity paid for is in fact received.
Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry (MTI) in delivering the feature address stated “Consumers therefore are advised when purchasing fuel to check the pumps for the bright yellow fuel verification sticker, which will indicate that the pump being utilized has been verified and is accurately dispensing fuel”.
Demonstrating unstinting support to the TTBS by the Government, the Minister of Trade and Industry added, “The Government, through the Ministry of Trade and Industry will continue its support to the TTBS, as it seeks to continue to verify fuel dispensers, but also looks forward to the sustained verification of other devices, pertinent to local businesses and consumers including supermarket weights and scales”.
In welcoming participants to the event and delivering the opening remarks, Marcus Knaggs, Board Member, NP reiterated his organization commitment to fully support the requirements of the Metrology Act. “In keeping with the requirements of the Metrology Act, NP is in full support of this fuel verification programme throughout its Service Station network… Indeed, this fuel verification process is quite beneficial as it protects both NP and consumers as the exercise ensures, that customers continue to be charged accurately and get their money’s worth at the pump, so this exercise is a win-win for all parties concerned”.
The entire verification process is intended to protect both the supplier and the consumer. When a pump is over delivering fuel, the service station is selling at a financial loss. If a pump is under delivering, the consumers are being shortchanged.
When it is determined that there is an inaccurate fuel dispenser, it will be shut down and the necessary adjustments will be made to ensure that it is accurate. A verification seal is affixed to the adjusting mechanism and a yellow PASSED verification label will be affixed to the fuel dispenser. This is done to maintain the integrity of the process.
To maintain quality control, subsequent checks are conducted by the Inspectors of Metrology. If the verification label is found to be tampered with or removed, the operators or owners can face prosecution according to the Metrology Act Chapter 82:06. TTBS, therefore, serves as an independent third party verifier that strives to protect the interest of all stakeholders involved.
To date twenty-seven (27) NP Service Stations have already been verified. Over the next four months, the Inspectors of Metrology will continue with its nationwide verification exercise at all NP Service Stations to ensure fuel dispensers comply with the regulatory requirements of the Metrology Act.
For further information on our verification activities contact us at (868) 662-8827 Ext. 2348 or Email: LMI@ttbs.org.tt

PROUD MOMENT: Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry (MTI) (centre) is all smiles after presenting a Certificate of Verification to Bernard Mitchell, CEO-NP (second from left). Looking on is Marcus Knaggs, Board Member-NP and Lawford Dupres, Chairman, Board of Directors-TTBS (right) and Hafeez Rahamut, Managing Director –Sun Xpress (left).

VERIFIED FOR ACCURACY: Consumers are advised to look for the yellow LMI PASSED label on the fuel pumps, which affirms that the volume of fuel dispensed is accurate.

LMI ON THE GO: The LMI is currently conducting verifications at NP gas stations nationwide to ensure fuel dispensers comply with the regulatory requirements of the Metrology Act. (L-R): Candy Persad-Legal, Metrology Inspector II, Sasha Mangaroo, Senior Lab Technician 1 and Pamela Ramsubhag, Chief Inspector Metrology (Ag.)
Click here for a list of verified fuel stations