Free Online Measurement Uncertainty Course Available Now!

As TTBS prepares for the 2019 celebration of World Metrology Day on 20th May with the theme “ The International System of Units Fundamentally Better” ,the Metrology Division at TTBS  would like to share with our Laboratory and Academic Community an online technical programme  on measurement uncertainty commencing  March 26  and ending May 7, 2019.

The learning outcome for the measurement uncertainty course as a key component for having confidence in measurement are  as follows:

– the main concepts related to measurement results and measurement uncertainty, including their application to chemical analysis;
– the main mathematical concepts and tools in uncertainty estimation;
– the main measurement uncertainty sources in chemical analysis;
– the main approaches for measurement uncertainty estimation.

The successfully participant would be able to

– decide what data are needed for uncertainty estimation, understand the meaning of the available data and decide whether the available data are sufficient;
– select the uncertainty estimation approach suitable for the available data;
– quantify the uncertainty contributions of the relevant uncertainty sources using the available data;
– carry out estimation of uncertainty using the main approaches of uncertainty estimation

Participation in this  course is free of charge. Participants who successfully pass the course will be issued a certificate of completion by the University of Tartu. A downloadable digital certificate of completion is free of charge, however if you desire a certificate of completion on paper, it can be requested for a fee of 60 Euros.

The registration link is available at

Course website is available at

This course is also  an asset  to laboratories who will be or is currently pursuing accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017.