TTBS AND TTAL Host Stakeholder Consultation on TTTIC Certification

When it comes to choosing a Caribbean holiday destination, the unspoiled island of Tobago, will certainly stand out as a strong contender amongst discerning tourists.  However, one critical element of a traveler’s plan will be choosing an appropriate tourism operator which meets quality service standards.

In the Caribbean region, Trinidad and Tobago has taken the lead in developing innovative programmes, aimed at enhancing the visitor experience, through the implementation of national tourism standards.

As part of the relaunch of the Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Industry Certification (TTTIC) programme in Tobago, the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), in collaboration with the Tobago Tourism Agency Limited (TTAL), hosted a Stakeholder Sensitization Session for Tour Guides and Tour Operators, on Thursday 29th November 2018, at the Buccoo Integrated Facility, Tobago.

The TTTIC programme is a major initiative in the drive to offer visitors a quality experience. The TTTIC also provides a platform to improve, standardize and transform the delivery of service within Tobago’s tourism sector.

In addressing the session, Ms. Yannicka Brown Standards Officer II, Certification Division at the TTBS, provided the tour guides and tour operators with an intimate understanding of the various components of the TTTIC process which include:-

  • A general overview of the Trinidad and Tobago National Standard Requirements;
  • The certification process.
  • Terms and conditions for certification
  • The benefits of certification
  • The TTTIC complaint handling process

Mrs. Korice A.Q. Nancis, Director Product Management & Destination Management of TTAL, encouraged all tourism stakeholders to contribute to the consultation process, insisting that boosting Tobago’s tourism is pivotal, to increasing its competitive advantage and tourism sustainability.

TTTIC, is a national certification programme developed by the National Standards body TTBS and the National Tourism Agencies.  TTTIC provides assurance to visitors that tourism operators and their businesses meet standards of minimum requirements related to the product or service. This includes, but is not limited to, infrastructure, equipment, competence, health and safety, management and quality requirements.

Both the TTBS and TTAL, recognize tourism stakeholders as key ambassadors in positioning Tobago, as the premier tourism destination in the southern Caribbean.   Therefore, their concerted effort in integrating TTTIC into their business operations, is crucial to achieving tourism sustainability.

Tourists are encouraged to explore all the splendor of which Tobago has to offer, whether it’s bathing in the sublime waters of the fabulous beaches, visiting the award winning rain forest or simply enjoying its local cuisine.  This assurance is hinged on the premise that certified tourism operators and service providers, will be an integral part of ensuring your vacation is a unique and memorable experience.

The TTBS and TTAL will continue to engage the tourism stakeholders in Tobago, as part of the TTTIC programme reimplementation.

THOROUGH EXPLANATION – Ms. Yannicka Brown Standards Officer II, Certification Division, TTBS – meticulously guide tourism operators through the TTTIC process.

TOURISM TALK: Mrs. Korice A.Q. Nancis, Director Product Management & Destination Management, TTAL- address participants at the opening of the Stakeholder Consultation.